Monday, July 6, 2009

Photography Posing At a Wedding

When photography posing at a wedding, unless you know how to compensate or have taken the shot purposely for effect; remember the background is very important. Often when there is a good background there are just too many people in the shot, so if this is the situation, just try and capture a nice head and shoulders shot of the couple.

Although you don't always think about it at the time, try to ensure those wedding guests wearing spectacles either take them off or provide you with a semi-profile shot. To avoid people in the shot coming out dark when the sunlight is behind them, unless you know what you are doing, move them so the sun is behind you.

A zoom lens will often enable you to take pictures that would not otherwise be possible as people are not so conscious of their photo being taken. Allays be ready for the next digital wedding photograph because you can't ask people to repeat those unforgettable moments that everybody wants to see again and again.

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